What is an Application Composition Platform?

Definition: An Application Composition Platform (ACP) is a software platform that provides tools and services for building, integrating, and deploying custom applications from pre-built components or modules. These components or modules can be either custom-built or sourced from a library of pre-built components.

An Application Composition Platform is designed to make application development faster, more flexible, and more efficient by enabling developers to reuse existing components and functionality rather than building everything from scratch. This allows developers to focus on building the unique parts of their application while relying on pre-built components for common functionality.

Benefits of an Application Composition Platform

  • Faster time-to-market: developers can rapidly compose applications from pre-built components rather than building everything from scratch. This speeds up the development process and allows companies to bring new products or features to market faster.
  • Increased productivity: It allows developers to focus on creating unique features and functionality rather than writing low-level code. This increases their productivity and allows them to deliver more value in less time.
  • Improved flexibility: With an ACP, developers can easily modify or update applications by adding or removing pre-built components. This allows companies to quickly adapt to changing business needs and stay ahead of the competition.
  • Cost savings: By using pre-built components, companies can save on development costs and reduce the need for expensive development resources. This can lead to significant cost savings over time.
  • Enhanced collaboration: An Application Composition Platform allows developers to work together more easily by sharing components and services. This can improve collaboration, reduce duplication of effort, and encourage knowledge sharing across the organization.

How does an Application Composition Platform work?

An Application Composition Platform (ACP) typically works by providing a visual development environment that allows developers to compose pre-built components or modules to create custom applications. Here are the basic steps involved in the ACP development process:

  • Component selection: Developers can select pre-built components or modules from a library provided by the Application Composition Platform. These components can include user interface templates, workflows, data models, integrations with other systems, and business logic.
  • Composition: Developers can drag and drop selected components onto a canvas to create a custom application. They can also modify the properties of these components, such as changing the data source or defining a custom workflow.
  • Testing: Once the application is composed, developers can test it in a staging or testing environment provided by the Application Composition Platform. They can also collaborate with other team members to review and test the application.
  • Deployment: After testing, developers can deploy the application to a production environment or integrate it with other systems.Application Composition Platform solutions typically provide a visual development environment that enables developers to rapidly create and modify custom applications without having to write extensive custom code. This approach can significantly reduce the development time, cost, and complexity of building custom applications.

    Furthermore, Application Composition Platforms often provide built-in support for managing the application's lifecycle, such as version control, deployment, and monitoring. This can help developers streamline the development process and ensure that applications are scalable, reliable, and maintainable over time

Glossary of Application Composition Platform Terms

Low-Code Development

Low-Code development is an approach to software development that uses visual development tools and pre-built components to create applications without extensive custom coding. Application Composition Platforms often use a Low-Code approach to accelerate the development process.

Component-Based Development

Component-based development is an approach to software development that uses pre-built software components as building blocks for creating custom applications. Application Composition Platforms use a component-based approach to enable developers to rapidly create and modify applications by composing pre-built components.

API Management

API Management refers to the process of creating, publishing, and managing application programming interfaces (APIs). Application Composition Platforms often include built-in API Management capabilities to enable developers to integrate custom applications with other systems.


Integration refers to the process of connecting different software systems to work together seamlessly. Application Composition Platforms often include pre-built integrations with other systems to enable developers to rapidly create custom applications that can integrate with other systems.

Workflow Automation

Workflow automation refers to the process of automating repetitive tasks or processes using software. Application Composition Platforms often provide pre-built workflow templates or automation capabilities to enable developers to rapidly create custom applications that automate business processes.

Composable Enterprise

Composable enterprise refers to an organization that is built on a flexible and modular architecture that enables it to quickly adapt to changing business requirements. Application Composition Platforms are often used to enable companies to become more composable by rapidly creating custom applications that can be integrated with other systems and processes.


Microservices are software architecture patterns that involve breaking down large, monolithic applications into smaller, independent services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently. Application Composition Platforms often support the development of microservices-based architectures by providing pre-built components or services that can be composed to create custom applications.


DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) to enable organizations to deliver software faster and with more reliability. Application Composition Platforms often support DevOps practices by providing built-in tools for version control, Continuous Integration, and Deployment (CI/CD), and testing.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing refers to the delivery of computing services over the internet, including storage, processing power, and software applications. Application Composition Platforms often support cloud computing by providing built-in integrations with cloud platforms.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

AI and ML are technologies that enable computers to learn and make decisions based on data without explicit programming. Application Composition Platforms may include pre-built AI and ML components or services that can be composed to create custom applications with intelligent capabilities.

No-Code Development

No-code development is an approach to software development that requires little to no coding knowledge. Application Composition Platforms may support no-code development by providing pre-built templates, components, and workflows that can be easily customized and configured without writing code.